Kiss quotes | Kiss pictures | Couple kiss quotes and pictures

Kiss, a word which when used fills us with joy love, excitement, Romance, and a whole lot of hormonal changes which makes us feel happy. Kiss when happens we feel like connecting with the other person’s sole. When We kiss we just feel our loved one’s world.
kiss is such a beautiful expression of love. And when we are in love we just kiss him/her a lot.
to express our love, our affection. The first kiss is always beautiful and we always remember our first kiss. because when we first kiss it feels like we are in heaven, I also remember when we first kissed and I have not forgotten that feeling till now.
so our today’s post is on kiss.
couple kiss quotes
You are the only who owns my lips.
all my kisses belong to you.

Kissing is like a bee sucking honey from flowers
and the honey never ends.
Do you remember our first kiss?
I felt like I am in heaven for the first time.
A good morning is when you kiss me.
I want to start my every day with your kiss.

Kiss quotes | Kiss pictures | Couple kiss quotes and pictures 

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